How Physios Can Treat The Challenging Issues Faced By Young Sports Athletes

Since gaining accreditation for treating 'youth athletes', my motivation has been to provide a recognised, targeted and high-quality service. This is always the motivation in all areas of physiotherapy, but (by its very nature) this area presents additional considerations and challenges.


Within the bounds of 'routine' problems (as we must also be vigilant and assess for more unusual and worrying conditions), this age group may have growth-related injuries. Growing pains are very real!

The young athlete may experience pain and weakness caused by the growing skeleton and its interaction with muscle attachments, where in many areas, but mainly in the legs, the bone will literally outgrow in speed, the muscle attached, such as the forefoot, heel or knee.

Often with such issues, a physio's early intervention and advice, along with soft tissue and joint input, will gradually yet significantly improve the outcomes of these conditions. A far favourable outcome nowadays, compared to historically when youths were immobilised in plaster casts with long durations of lost sports participation, resulting in significant muscle weakness requiring further treatment. 


'Running Repairs' may also be as, if not more, likely for the  young athlete than an ageing one in a variety of sports. This is largely because high-intensity sport and exercise participation, twinned with a developing nerve, muscle and skeletal system, can be difficult to balance. 

It is no surprise that when first your feet, then lower and upper legs have seemingly grown overnight, mastering complex movements at high-speed may present additional challenges for the youth athlete. Not forgetting the need to balance their rest, nutrition, appropriate training schedule, mental readiness and other health aspects.


However, it is all worth it when a young sportsperson tentatively develops from a niggle and injury-prone relative beginner to a first team choice. Or they go on to enjoy being a consistently injury-free participant in whatever sport they play. Without the physio's support and guidance on treating growth-related injuries, the young athlete's impressive sporting journey could so easily have come to a disappointing and abrupt end.

For further info about specialist physio treatment for youth athletes, please contact us at: 

Tel. 0114 235 2727


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